15: David Glenwright on using social media consciously

Season #1 Episode #15

David Glenwright is Head of Training and Special Projects at https://www.jcsocialmedia.com (JC Social Media), a social media and digital marketing agency. We discuss how history repeats itself on social media, and how social media magnifies how we show up as human beings offline. We discuss polarisation, the fundamentals of human behaviour, the importance of authenticity, the vulnerability of posting and the ability to use social media to form valuable connections with likeminded people. I’m struck by the balance that we need to have in how we use social media. At its core, it is about building personal relationships and provides an opportunity to create conversation with new and existing people. It can empower the consumer to make decisions, as long as we don’t use it in a manipulative way. It can inspire us as long as we don’t fall into the trap of trying to be “perfect”. I’m left wondering how we educate ourselves and younger people to use technology for the greater good. How do you use social media for greater good in the world? http://www.judejennison.com/ (www.judejennison.com) in partnership with https://birmingham.tech/ (birmingham.tech)