Jane Ashcroft CBE on care homes, listening and collaboration

Season #1 Episode #13

Jane Ashcroft is the Chief Executive of the Anchor Hanover Group, England’s largest not for profit provider of housing and care for older people. Jane was awarded a CBE in the 2013 New Year Honours for services to older people, some 7 years ago but as you’ll hear, her passion and enthusiasm for older people has definitely not waned. She talks about the importance of listening and collaboration as a CEO balanced with clarity, scorecards and compliance. I think that’s a tough balance to juggle that she seems to have mastered in her organisation.  Jane has encouraged me to think differently about ageing, both in the workplace and for me personally. She was so inspiring in her ideas. I enjoyed hearing about her Grip and Pace approach – the idea that we need to have a grip on the basics and approach change with the appropriate pace. I was struck by the idea that a diverse workforce that spans 4 or 5 generations can work collaboratively together if they have a shared passion and listen to each other’s points of view. That’s so crucial. How do you find the balance between scorecards, compliance and collaborative thinking? How do you encourage diversity of thought as the basis for getting results?  www.judejennison.com